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E Passport:

In nearly all cases foreign travel requires a valid passport with a reasonable validity time remaining before expiry. Six months of remaining validity time is safe enough.
All Nigerians require an E passport for foreign travel.

Nigerians do not require visas to enter ECOWAS member countries, but require visas for nearly all other countries. Some countries do not allow other nationals to even transit their territories unless they have transit visas.

Umrah and Hajj Visas are free, but are only obtainable through licensed Travel Agents, who must ensure fulfillment of certain conditions by applicant, which include, payment for pre-arranged accommodation and transport.

Travelers on Ethiopian Airlines with medical visas are required to present themselves to the Airline's own medical unit or doctors to be certified fit for air travel before they are accepted on board. Passengers in this category are strongly advised to comply in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

Similarly, pregnant women need advise and certification from their doctors concerning their fitness for travel by air.

Passenger types
Persons from 12 years and above are considered adults and pay full fare. Those between the ages of 2 and 12 years are generally considered as children and may get some discount, depending on the airline. The level of discount given varies from airline to another, but usually refused on charter flights.
Air Travel Routings

Any airline that does not belong to country of final destination of passenger may have to route through its own country before continuing to the final destination, unless the flight taken is a direct charter flight. This has to do with the prevailing bi-lateral agreement in force between the parties concerned. For a travel itinerary involving more than one airline to be ticketed, there has to be interline agreement between the airlines in question.

Airport Reporting Time

Airlines close their checking counters mostly at least 30minutes before departure time. This, coupled with the need to be early enough to do other departure formalities make it necessary to be at the airport for checking at least 2 hours before departure time, for international flights, and at least one hour for domestic flights.

Passenger Baggage Allowance

Nearly all airlines allow passengers to carry limited baggage without paying. Beyond a certain limit, passengers are expected to pay for the excess baggage before such is accepted. Most airlines allow between 20kg to 30kg for passengers travelling on economy class. Certain airlines allow in terms of number of pieces of luggage rather than weight. It is very important an intending traveler knows his baggage allowance and prepares for his excess luggage before approaching the checking counters.
It is ill-advised to assist others by taking their luggage to help reduce their expense. One may not know what such luggages contain! One may be helping to transport prohibited items, which may incriminate.

Items prohibited on board aircraft

These include:

  • Oxidizing substances
  • Gases
  • Toxic/infectious substances
  • Radioactive materials
  • Explosives
  • Flammable items
  • Corrosive items
  • Liquids

Anything capable of inconveniencing and/or harming others.

Currency declaration

Travelers going out of or coming into Nigeria are required by law to disclose in writing foreign currencies in excess of USD10000.00 or equivalent, in their possessions.

Other disclosures may also apply; therefore travelers are advised to check such requirements upon their exits or entries. YOU ARE ADVISED ALSO, TO TALK IN THIS REGARD TO ONLY UNIFORMED CUSTOMS STAFF ON DUTY.



Animals and plants are generally not allowed into most territories without due approval by competent authorities. Intending travelers are strongly advised to contact quarantine units before attempting to import such.

Travel Insurance

Like all other exposures to risk, travelers may also take out an insurance policy to cover their trips. Schengen countries usually ask for travel insurance as a condition for obtaining their visas.


Travelers on medication should remember to take first their drugs not to find themselves in uncomfortable conditions. E.g. those suffering from Asthma.

Large quantities of drugs are generally not allowed into most teritories.

Certain drugs are not allowed into Saudi Arabia even in small quantities.

Narcotics attracts very severe penalties.


Most countries require travelers into their territories to ensure that they are vaccinated against certain diseases like cholera, smallpox, meningitis etc, and obtain appropriate vaccination certificates as evidence of compliance with such requirements.
Travelers are advised to ask their Agents or relevant embassies of countries to be visited to acquaint themselves with the applicable requirements . Non-compliance may sometimes lead to immediate deportation.

In Kaduna metropolis, vaccination and yellow card are obtainable at Medical Unit of Kaduna North Local government office at Magajin Gari.

Female Traveller To Saudi Arabia

Islamically and by the laws of Saudi Arabia, a female traveller should be accompanied by a husband or a male relation (Blood-ties) before she can be allowed into the Kingdom. Such a companion must enter and exit at the same time; with the lady-traveller. Travellers to the Kingdom are strongly advised not to travel in company of strangers.